Why Men Need to be Aware of HPV

Men are usually not aware of HPV, or human papillomavirus, because it is a sexually transmitted infection that is responsible for cervical cancer, but it is something all men in Houston should know about especially when it comes to their health. 

So how do men know if they have HPV? Genital warts continue to be a problem for cancer doctors. In fact, this article explores the high risk of head and neck cancer from HPV virus infection. 

So what should you do? We at The Y Factor screen men for genital warts and remove all suspicious lesions. All lesions that contain the HPV virus are further studied to see if the virus is virulent with an increased risk of cancer formation or more genetically docile and less likely to cause cancer. 

Men, we need to be more watchful for HPV infection. If you have a skin tag or genital wart, then schedule an appointment with one of our highly trained urological specialists so we can help you answer and study any concerns you have on your body. This is even more important for men who didn’t get the HPV vaccine. In addition to seeing their urologist, men without the vaccine should have their dentist on the lookout for any oral throat lesions. 

Russel H. Williams, MD

Dr. Russel H. Williams is the founder, CEO and CMO of The Y Factor and brings more than 20 years of experience. Dr. Williams earned his Medical Degree at the University of Texas at Dallas Southwestern Medical Center, where he graduated at the top of his class. He completed his urology residency at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, then completed a male reproductive medicine and microsurgery visiting fellowship at the New York-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center in Manhattan, New York. Dr. Williams is an active member of the American Urological Association, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, and peers recognize him as one of only a handful of Reproductive Urologists focusing on men’s urological wellness & fertility.

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