MANday: Time for a Urological Wellness Exam!
Hey guys! It’s that time of the year again. Back-to-school time and the start of football season! With that comes the dreaded annual physical exams a lot of students and athletes have to undergo. Though some may be embarrassed and think it is unnecessary to get an annual physical exam, it is very important to our health as men. Early screening and prevention is the key to a healthy body and longevity. Now this isn’t a post about the importance of students and athletes getting a physical exam, but rather about you getting your annual urological wellness exam! Here at The Y Factor we specialize in men’s urological wellness and with that comes experience in exams concerning the male urological system. Just like it is important to have a cardiologist listen to the heart or the pulmonologist listen to the lungs, it is equally important to make sure you have a urological specialist do the proper physical examination when it comes to the male urological and prostate system.
As a man, once you reach a certain age, it is in your benefit to get an annual physical and other screenings. One exam that becomes increasingly important is a urology exam, which checks for diseases and conditions that affect the urinary tract, including the kidneys, adrenal glands, and the reproductive system, including the prostate, vesicles, and testes.
You may doubt the importance of getting urology exams especially when you aren’t exhibiting any symptoms. However, an annual urology exam can help catch problems before they become untreatable and before symptoms develop or get worse. Don’t wait until the urological problem progresses. It is always easier to treat an issue early on rather than when it has progressed significantly.
A urologist can help detect issues early on before they become untreatable or require extensive and expensive treatment. For prostate issues as serious as cancer, early detection can save lives.
In modern health care, the annual preventive visit is one of the few tools available to deliver value at the intersection of the myriad determinants of cost and quality. The literature often cited to limit the annual examination consists of older studies looking at a heterogeneous range of services, many of which are not supported by current guidelines. Not surprisingly, these studies have not conclusively reported lower health costs or decreased mortality. Now when you think of back-to-school or the start of football season, you’ll think of booking your appointment at The Y Factor for your annual urological physical exam!
Timothy Bui is a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP-C) and brings a wealth of experience to The Y Factor team. Timothy is the lead medical provider at the Webster location and brings 5 years of nursing experience as well as clinical experience in family practice, urgent care medicine, and men’s urological health.
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