A vasectomy is a surgical procedure performed in males as a form of sterilization and permanent birth control. It is considered one of the safest and most effective means of birth control. Over 500,000 men in North America choose vasectomies. Vasectomies are 99.6% effective according to current research.
How The Y Factor Can Help
The Y Factor uses the no-scalpel method of vasectomy. A local anesthetic is administered through a vapor spray administered into the skin. This no-needle method provides less discomfort and bruising.
The no-scalpel, no-needle method of vasectomy requires no incision. The vas deferens, which carry the sperm to the seminal vesicles, is resected through a small puncture site.
Most procedures are performed only with local anesthetic, however nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is available.
All patients will meet with one of our specialty trained urological medical providers for a consultation to go over the no-scalpel vasectomy procedure before scheduling an appointment for the actual procedure with Dr. Williams.
If you are looking for a vasectomy Doctor in Houston, you have come to the right clinic. Russel Williams, MD, has performed over 20,000 vasectomies.
Same Day Consult and Procedure
The Y Factor understands that you’re busy with life so we’re now offering same-day consultation and procedures for our No-Scalpel Vasectomy. Just book your appointment here online and when our staff calls to confirm your appointment, let them know you are interested in getting your vasectomy done the same day you come in for our consultation. We can verify your insurance and share all post-procedure information on this call as well!
Ligature (stitches) or Clips for your Vasectomy in Houston?
Deposit Policy
The Y Factor’s commitment to care means we want a urologist available to see patients when they need it. In order to minimize no-shows, The Y Factor requires a deposit for special procedures like the no-scalpel vasectomy, Shang Ring Circumcision, and other select procedures. This deposit will be applied to the cost of your urological services or forfeited if you no-show.
*100% of the deposit will be forfeited for no shows or cancellations less than 48 hours prior to the procedure. All cancellations must be via phone call and communication to our office staff. All cancellations or reschedule appointments greater than 48 hours before your procedure qualify for a refund or reapply the deposit to that later date.