Sperm count drops 59% in western civilizations
A recent analysis involving more than 200 studies collected over a span of 40 years, has revealed that men in the western world have seen a 59% decrease in sperm count, altogether with a 52% drop in sperm concentration. The analysis does not get into the different factors (or a specific one) leading to the decline, but it being a recollection of 42,000 men indicates that it should correlate to common habits in the western civilization. Use of plastic containers and consumption of food heavily treated with hormones and antibiotics “might leech out some of these endocrine disruptors” comments Dr. Russel Williams, founder of The Y Factor. This count drop is particularly worrying to men wanting to have kids in the near future.
A low sperm count is a medical condition and, as such, it needs to be treated by a specialist. Semen samples will need to be collected, but in Dr. Williams’ words: “Guys need to understand that a simple semen sample gives us a lot of information, it’s very important not to be embarrassed about producing that sample.” It is very important to understand that men need to be more proactive about taking care of their own health.
Our specialists at The Y Factor understand the problem and always look for the right diagnosis to create a comprehensive solution to the man affected by this problem. We can help guiding to the right direction on the correct medical treatment as well as the behavioral changes to boost those sperm count levels!
“[Sperm count] is a medical issue, not a measure on how much of a ‘man’ you are, so you should get it tested!”
NewsFix, July 27th, 2017
G. Trudeau
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