MANday- New Breakthrough for the Treatment of Prostate Pain!
Prostate pain is a debilitating problem that is common in men of all ages. Prostate pain can present as pain in around the rectum, pain in around the groin, or pain along the penis and urethra. Prostate pain usually results from inflammation of the prostate secondary to a bacterial infection of the prostate.
The bacterial infection of the prostate is identified through semen and urine cultures that identify which bacteria is present in the prostate, in what amounts, and exhibit what sensitivity to different antibiotics. Antibiotic treatments are often quite successful in eradicating the bacterial infection and when the infection is gone, the inflammation and the pain subsides.
Some unfortunate men have residual inflammation in the prostate even though their infection has been treated completely. These men need further evaluation by an experienced Urologist to look with a small scope in the urethra, prostate, and bladder for any underlying problem. These individuals have a condition called non-bacterial prostatitis, a difficult problem!
A long-standing regimen of treatment for this problem includes prostate massage and pelvic floor relaxing medication. A new emerging breakthrough treatment for this problem is low intensity shockwave lithotripsy. Low intensity shockwave therapy to the prostate is the delivery of sound waves to the prostate with a handheld wand placed between the rectum and the scrotum. Men will need to undergo this treatment on the clinic once a week for six weeks.
This treatment is most effective if other conditions are excluded first by an experienced Urologist.
In a recent randomized perspective sham control double blind study*, 5000 shockwave sessions were delivered to men with chronic prostate and pelvic pain. The authors concluded the low intensity shockwave therapy was safe and effective and was able to be performed without anesthesia or side effects. The men who underwent his treatment reported considerable improvement in their pain and quality-of-life.
The Y Factor- Men’s Urological Wellness & Fertility is dedicated to treating men with a variety of male-specific health problems including prostate pain and inflammation. The Y Factor offers low intensity shockwave lithotripsy treatment for men with prostate pain. Our experienced urology team applies the highest quality treatment for your prostate pain.
If you think that you have this problem, please contact us and see how our team can provide you an effective treatment.
*Reference- Mykoniatis et al. (2020). Prostate Cancer Prostatic Disease
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